Sarah Palin at Orange County Republican Party’s annual Lincoln Day fundraiser

The audio isn’t great, but you should be able to understand it. I’m still listening to it, so I may come back with something more later if need be. But I will go ahead and share with you my favorite quote thus far regarding Robert Gibbs making fun of her recent hand writing:

Come on Robert Gibbs, you guys really, in a White House press conference, you have nothing better to do at a time like this? You know I kind of wanted to shout out to the TV at he, Gibbs who represents the President of the United States of America in a White House press conference, “really you’ve got nothing better to do here? You’re boys are in the house perpetuating problems in our country resulting in huge job losses, high unemployment, negative economy, and by the way remember guys we’re a country at war. You’ve got nothing better to concentrate on?” With issues like that I say, “Washington and the media elite, quit disrespecting the wisdom of the American people!”

Thanks to CynicalSerenade for uploading to YouTube.

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