SooperPodcast #238!! The return of Hapax CleeBorp!!

This week Hapax Legomenon Cleeborp LeggomyEggo returns from prison in Mississippi (don’t spell it), el sooper admits being racist towards whatever race of people that Matt and Hapax are, we talk about Direct Messaging etiquette, then the Bud Light hits el Sooper, and we talk about MILO and why no one wants to talk about him and GamerGate, Chris Cuomo’s creepy tweet, Drews Breezes and Ted Screws Scouch and margaritas, whether Trump has actually done anything or not, and my post about CNN’s Kyung Lah, and faked news, and transgender links, and some puppy JUNKIE, and el sooper defends Katy from Mean Girls. It’s quite a packed show, WOW!!! There’s like two curse words. Sorry.

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Opening song from Soundtrack to Idiocracy: Nuevos Tiempos by Pueblo Cafe

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