Ted Cruz election thread!

Ted Cruz was interviewed by Hugh Hewitt today on three main issues: his election, special counsel Mueller, and Trump tariffs.

Sadly, Cruz was on the move so hte interview cuts in and out and finally just drops off, but we do get a good sense of what he thinks about two of the issues and a decent sense on Trump tariffs.


In short, Cruz argues that Democrats are very energized and if Republicans get complacent, it could be very bad for us in November. He is also concerned that Robert Mueller’s special counsel investigation is turning into a fishing expedition. And lastly, when it comes to Trump’s tariffs, he’s not surprised by he is concerned about them. That’s about all he got out before his phone died.

As some of you may know today is primary day in Texas. Which means it’s a good day to vote for Ted Cruz if you in Texas!

But not just Ted Cruz. In fact several other big names need your votes as well. Allow me to quote Trump here:

Today is March 6 so let’s get crackin Texans!

Here’s more on today’s elections:

The midterm election season officially kicks off on Tuesday, when Texas voters head to the polls for the nation’s first primary of 2018.

With early voting already suggesting a record turnout for Democrats, and widespread speculation about what effect an endorsement by President Trump will have on Republican candidates, the Texas primaries are being looked at as both a bellwether for the rest of the nation – and a sign the red state could be turning purple more quickly than expected.

“What these primaries really boil down to is one issue: Trump versus anti-Trump,” Cal Jillson, a political science professor at Southern Methodist University, told Fox News. “There is relatively little talk about the issues for either party. It’s a race to the margins. Democrats are all against the president, while with Republicans it’s about staying close to Trump, and whether that hurts or helps them.”

A recent poll from UT Austin/Texas Tribune found 83 percent of Texas Republicans supportive of Trump.

Experts say Republicans will need a big turnout if the party hopes to counter the groundswell of interest for the Democrats.

This is your open election primary thread for today so use it wisely!

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