Trump says ‘Putin’s NOT going into Ukraine, all right?’ then defends Putin seizing of Crimea

El Trumpo seemed to defend Putin seizing Crimea, the disputed region of Ukraine, even as saying that Putin would not go into Ukraine under a Trump presidency.

Watch below:

He also doesn’t seem to know what is widely reported about his team changing the GOP platform to allow Putin more freedom to implement his vision of global dominance. He says he doesn’t know anything about it. Either formerly-employed-by-Putin Paul Manafort is doing it under his nose, or the Donald is simply lying about it.

He also pushes the Putin view about the Crimean region, saying people there really wanted to be seized by Russia.

I really wish Stephanopoulos had pushed him on what he meant by saying that Putin would not go into Ukraine. Does that mean he has personal assurances from him that he wouldn’t, or that he would stop him if he tried? There is a YUGE difference between those two interpretations, but Stephanopoulos allows him to stay with his vague generalities. Good job, Stephy.

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