Trump Spox Boris BOMBS on CNN interview about lying campaign surrogate

CNN asked spokes-meathead Boris Epshteyn to talk about the lies a Trump surrogate told about his biographical info, and it became one long awkward deflection to Hillary.

Watch Boris bomb on CNN below:

At one point, he has the gall to actually say that Trump is doing better with African Americans than recent Republicans when there’s no credible evidence of that whatsoever.

We posted the cringeworthy video of the black pastor being confronted by CNN about his lies here, and boy is it awkward.

Is Boris right about CNN beating Trump over the head with this story just because they hate him? Probably. But it’s not as if we weren’t warning people that the media would do that to the Donald during the primaries. And Trump in his incompetence excels at delivering as much ammunition to them as possible. In this case, it’s because the vetting of the black pastor was basically, “do you like Trump? OK you’re in!!”

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