UGH: A bunch of Cleveland Browns protested the National Anthem last night — [PIC]

Apparently some on the Cleveland Browns roster want to follow in Colin Kaepernick’s infamous footsteps to protest the National Anthem, and they did so last night.

Here’s a photo from the game:

At the end of the day what good does it do to kneel for the National Anthem, except to upset many NFL fans for disrespecting not only the flag, but all those who died in service to this great nation.

Also it serves as a distraction for teams trying to win a super bowl, especially if ratings begin to go down, which I predict will happen if this nonsense keeps up.

At the end of the day it’s about as worthwhile for these players to protest during the National Anthem as it was for Michelle Obama to tweet out this picture years ago:

So keep it up Cleveland Browns. And when you can’t get a job next year or your fan base dwindles substantially, don’t come crying to us.

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