UM… McConnell explains WHY Congress hasn’t been able to get anything done yet…

McConnell explains just why Congress hasn’t been able to get anything done yet, at least in part:

There might be a little truth to what McConnell says here but really, we all know why Republicans have failed to repeal Obamacare and it’s simply because some of them don’t want to repeal it. They lied to us for seven years.

If they hadn’t lied to us then they could have already repealed Obamacare fully and completely. That’s the simple truth.

Look I’m not saying Trump doesn’t share some blame here. But mainly I blame him for not pushing Congress hard enough in the direction of full repeal, like he promised.

But when it comes down to it Congress is really to blame for their failures, not Trump. And I really don’t like what it sounds like McCOnnell is doing here in trying to pass the buck or make excuses.

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