US finds Israel fourth most “unacceptable” country

jen psaki-TRScoop

The Obama administration has referred to the actions of Israel as ‘unacceptable’ so much that Israel ranks fourth in the list of countries whose actions were referred to this way:

YNET NEWS – The US State Department described Israeli actions as “unacceptable” 87 times in 2014, with only three countries being more “unacceptable,” according to a Foreign Policy article published last week.

Journalist Micah Zenko searched the State Department’s website for usage of the term, and his “top ten” list shows Israel sandwiched right between North Korea and Pakistan. Zenko pointed that the US officials regularly use the phrase “but then do very little in response to prevent or deter those actions from reoccurring.”

Most of the condemnations relating to Israel involved building in settlements or the announcement of plans to construct additional housing behind the Green Line. Government spokespeople also castigated Israel for civilian casualties during Operation Protective Edge.

Here’s the full list of top 10 “unacceptable” countries:

The top 10 countries for whom “unacceptable” was most often used in conjunction with since the start of the Obama administration: Syria (147), Iran (118), North Korea (115), Israel (87), Pakistan (83), Russia (78), Egypt (77), China (74), Afghanistan (66), and Iraq (63).

The fact that this administration condemns Israel at all publically is a major issue for me, but when they condemned Israel during a time of war with the Islamonazis in Gaza, just as most of the world did, well that was unconscionable.

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