Waterboarding: How did we get here?

Jon Stewart interviews John Yoo, the Deputy Assistant Attorney General under the Bush administration. In case you aren’t familiar with Yoo, he’s the lawyer who decided that we could waterboard KSM to get intelligence without violating the Geneva Conventions, a point which many disagree on and is in fact the reason for this interview.

This is a really interesting interview that leaves Stewart a little frustrated. The legal issue of waterboarding and how we got to the point of waterboarding KSM isn’t as easy as many have made it sound. One thing I appreciate about Stewart is that he approaches this ‘delicate’ issue with Yoo honestly, instead of trying to demagogue Yoo for the entertainment value of his audience.  It’s a long interview, maybe 25 minutes or so, but I highly recommend it.

And as always, there is a content warning for language – but it only happens a couple of times.

Part One:

Part Two:

Part Three:

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