Weird Swastika-laden Nazi-themed CHEER DANCE by Mexican teenagers got a lot of people ANGRY!

SO when I saw this video, I thought, well, the might be using the swastika in reference to the use it had long before Hitler ever existed, as a religious symbol for Hindus and Buddhists. But then I read up more on it, and I’m just thoroughly confused.

Watch below:

Yeah I’m not sure what the hell is going on there. I’m persuaded that they did this out of ignorance rather than out of respect for the tenets of Nazism, which, for the most part, weren’t terribly favorable to Latinos.

More from ABC News:

A cheer-dance team in Mexico drew criticism Friday for a routine in which they displayed flags with swastikas, dressed in pseudo-military outfits and one girl appeared to toss a Nazi salute to the crowd.

The performance by about two dozen girls aged 10 to 16 and one boy came at a cheer-dance competition in the western city of Guadalajara at the end of May.

The girls wore red armbands, camouflage dance outfits and carried red flags as they strutted in marching-style formations.

A video of the performance drew condemnation when it began to circulate Friday on social media sites.

On local news sites, many readers said the girls probably didn’t know much about the Nazis, and blamed the event organizers and the team’s choreographer for the questionable routine.

Event organizer Enrique Casas said he would not identify the team for security reasons, because the comments on social media sites “have been a little aggressive.”

“The comments have gone beyond freedom of expression … and have included direct insults against the girls.”

The problem with not identifying them is that we really can’t know what they meant to accomplish or symbolize with this weird display.

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