ABSURD: Democrat media puts out story vid calling Ted Cruz a ‘LIAR’ for saying Republicans didn’t pack the court under Trump [UPDATE: VIDEO RESTORED]

Huffpost, a Democrat media propaganda outlet, just published a story video decrying Ted Cruz as a ‘liar’ and ‘master gaslighter’ for arguing that Republicans didn’t packed the court under Trump:

UPDATE: The video was deleted by HuffPost, but I screencapped it so you can watch it below:

[wpvideo WyqFA4r2]

These Democrat media hacks are accusing Republicans of packing the court because they just went through the normal confirmation process to fill empty seats, including on the Supreme Court. This is absolutely absurd and not even remotely close to the truth.

And it’s obvious why they are doing this, to justify the massive power grab of Democrats in Congress, who just announced they want to pack the court. These hacks know it’s wrong, so they lie and deceive gullible Americans to make them think Republicans did it first, so that this orwellian Democrat power grab would look like nothing more than fair turnabout.

What Republicans did under Trump was no different than what both parties have done for ages, which was to follow the normal confirmation process when there’s a vacancy. The president nominates and the Senate confirms. What Democrats want to do is expand the seats on the Supreme Court so they can fill these new seats with more Democrats, because they can’t deal with a fair and constitutional Supreme Court. The high court must support the Democrat agenda or else they will tear it down and rebuild it, as Ted Cruz suggested yesterday:

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