Activist thug Shaun King is now threatening to target Kenosha police officers until they reveal who shot Jacob Blake

In an effort to stay relevant, activist thug Shaun King is now threatening the Kenosha Police Department on Twitter that he will start doxxing police officers unless they reveal the police officer who shot Jacob Blake:

In this tweet he shows a photo of a Kenosha police officer asking if he’s the one who shot Blake?

This is absolutely despicable behavior and yet Twitter, who loves to censor the president and conservatives, appears to be doing nothing about these tweets. He tweeted this last night and is still tweeting this morning, by the way. Nothing is being done.

Here is what Twitter’s policy says about ‘doxxing’:

You may not publish or post other people’s private information without their express authorization and permission. We also prohibit threatening to expose private information or incentivizing others to do so.

Here are some of the responses to his tweets:

Apparently Twitter doesn’t give a rat’s behind about this. But if Trump tweets about mail-in voting THEY ARE ALL OVER IT LIKE YESTERDAY.

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