Adults cheer as 13-year-old boy does drag queen dance

This is pretty abominable.

Libs of Tiktok posted a video of a 13-year-old boy being cheered on by adults as he dances like a drag queen.

Here’s the video:

I just don’t understand the mentality that thinks this is okay. This is a 13-year-old boy who should be outside riding his bike or something. Instead he’s dressed like a slut and dances like one too. And all the adults are cheering him on.

Seriously, what does this say about his parents? He’s 13 so this is absolutely a direct reflection on them, who are probably in the audience cheering.

I don’t know anything about the venue or the city and state this happened in, and Libs of Tiktok doesn’t offer any details. But if this happened in a red state I would hope the governor would make sure there were consequences for this.

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