Alan Dershowitz DUMPS on Mueller’s perjury trap prosecutions…

Alan Dershowitz dumped on Mueller’s perjury trap prosecutions today, arguing that it really questions the validity of the special counsel appointment:


(It’s cued up to 3:40)

Dershowitz said he believes that a lot of Mueller’s cases in this Russia probe are based on false statement prosecutions (perjury traps) and it demonstrates a weakness in his substantive findings. He argued that these are crimes that occurred as a result of his appointment and were not present beforehand, and thus it raises questions about the role of special prosecutors creating crimes or creating opportunities for crimes to be committed.

In the end Dershowitz says he doesn’t believe Mueller will have much in the way of crimes committed before his appointment that relate to the Russia probe, and he says that’s quite shocking.

You can watch the entire interview with Dershowitz below:

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