Alec Baldwin and Trump are locked in a Twitter feud to the death

For some reason el Presidente Trumpy believes it’s in his best interest to get into a feud with Alec Baldwin the week that he has completely angered his base by talking about gun control, and befuddled and confused economists and the GOP by pushing new tariffs.

He tweeted this morning:

Really? Is that terribly important to comment on today?

Of course, Baldwin shot back:

And then…


What’s ironic is that they’re very similar people – both starving for attention. Baldwin even thought about running for political office, but Trump is the one with the guts to do it.

In a more sane world, they would be feuding and the fate of the world would not be hanging in the balance, but we don’t have a sane world, we have this one.

Anyway, have an open thread!!!

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