Alice Johnson thanks Jesus Christ, Kim Kardashian and President Trump for ‘miracle’ commutation

Alice Johnson tearfully thanked Jesus Christ, her “angel” Kim Kardashian, and President Trump after being released from prison when the president issued a commutation of her sentence.

Check out her happy reunion with her family:

Johnson was in prison for a first time non-violent drug arrest, and somehow she was given a life sentence. Pretty absurd.

And to make things worse, some scumbags actually criticized Kim Kardashian for using her celebrity to right a grievous wrong!!! Insane.

Like this guy. Or this guy:

AHHH!!! Trump can be influenced to do good things!! He’s worse than Hitler!!!

To be fair to the failing CNN that is in bed with the deep state, they interviewed Alice Johnson and let her praise Trump up and down on their network tonight:

I mean, when even Ana Navarro can’t find anything bad with this Trump decision, it’s gotta be undeniable!!

Meanwhile – some are remembering that Obama utterly failed this 63-year-old grandmother:

But is there more to the story?

Weird. Oh well. #MAGA!!!

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