And Trump finally speaks out against Nike!

Trump has finally spoken out against Nike, suggesting they are killed “killed with anger and boycotts”. He then wonders if had counted on this happening:

Just like the NFL, whose ratings have gone WAY DOWN, Nike is getting absolutely killed with anger and boycotts. I wonder if they had any idea that it would be this way? As far as the NFL is concerned, I just find it hard to watch, and always will, until they stand for the FLAG!

The tweet:

Trump then hits the NFL again, one day before the season begins, suggesting he won’t be watching until they stand for the flag.

To be honest, that was pretty tame compared to what I was expecting. I thought Trump would more directly attack Nike and perhaps even threaten them. Or like he did with Harley, call for more boycotts.

Perhaps he’s saving that for another tweet?

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