Angus King blasted both Coats and Rogers on why they won’t discuss conversation with Trump – [VIDEO]

Independent Senator Angus King, who sides with Democrats often, gave an intense line of questioning toward both the DNI Director and NSA Director on why they refused to answer directly about their conversations with Trump. Unfortunately both Coats and Rogers looked unprepared in this grilling.

Watch (It’s cued up to 2:36):

The reason I call it unfortunate is it sounded like Rogers queried the White House on whether or not they wanted to extend executive privilege but got no clear answer. In other words, the White House left them hanging out on a limb and vulnerable to this line of questioning.

Rogers, on his part, said he believed his conversation to be confidential. Coats, on the other hand, suggested that he didn’t really have a legal basis but simply felt that answer the question would be inappropriate in a public setting.

Again, I don’t know if Trump asked these men to do something unethical or not. But their refusal to directly answer, coupled with this line of questioning makes it look like they are hiding something – which as I’ve told you before is how the game is played.

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