Ann Coulter goes on ANGRY RANT over Trump giving a speech on Tax Reform

Ann Coulter is not a happy Trumper right now. She’s angry that Trump gave a speech on tax reform today instead of giving a speech on the wall or something:

You know we’re not just talking about tax cuts, we’re talking (hopefully) about serious tax reform that will affect the economy and jobs. I know Trump’s speech wasn’t that great in that he didn’t provide many details of what he wants to see – just four general principles – but even so it’s still something that must happen.

I’m totally in favor of getting this wall built, but the truth is illegal immigration on the border is down and the economy is starting to move again with the hope of this tax reform, among other things:

So why not get tax reform done now and kick the economy into gear. This is no small thing as Coulter makes it sound. It’s been over a decade since we had a strong economy!

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