AOC hits back against Biden’s border wall claims, says Biden doesn’t really have to do this…

AOC is not happy about that Joe Biden is going to build 20 miles of border wall in the Rio Grande Valley Sector in south Texas.

She released a statement late yesterday saying Biden wasn’t required to build the wall, calling it a “cruel policy” and said he needs to “reverse course”.

Here’s what she said:

“The Biden administration was not required to expand construction of the border wall – and they certainly were not required to waive several environmental laws to expedite the building. The President needs to take responsibility for this decision and reverse course.

A wall does nothing to deter people who are fleeing poverty and violence from coming to the United States. You do not risk your life or your childrens’ lives going through the Darién Gap or traversing hundreds of miles of desert if you have any other options. Walls only serve to push migrants into more remote areas, increasing their chances of death. It is a cruel policy.

Instead, the U.S. must take examining the root of migration more seriously, re-examine policy towards Latin America, and stop contributing to the destabilization that drives migration – as Senator Marco Rubio’s Venezuela sanctions have done. We also have to finally invest in meaningful immigration reform.”

I think this is hilarious. Joe Biden is trying to appease Democrats at the border by building a wall, while lying about why he’s doing it to try and appease Democrats in Congress. But it aint working, because AOC is now calling him out on his lies.

I’m glad Biden is building 20 miles of wall in Starr County, assuming he doesn’t back out. It will certainly help stop illegal immigration there. But unless he builds the wall along the entire Texas border where needed, it’s just going to put more pressure on other areas of the border because that’s where the illegals will go.

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