APOLOGIZE to the Khan family, Trump! – Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer, Palin son-in-law!

Medal of Honor recipient and more importantly, Sarah Palin son-in-law, Dakota Meyer says that Donald Trump needs to start acting like a president!

And to do that, he needs to do the one thing he would hate more than anything else in the world  – apologize to the Khan family!

Wow. That’s a huge rebuke from a highly respected figure on the right and formerly of the military.

It shows how Trump is really flirting with a third rail of American politics – never assail the military or a military family. It’s the one institution above all others that the American public has a high regard for. And it looks like el Trumpo won’t dare apologize for anything, because he’s too much of an infant to recognize when it’s better for him to admit error…

Also, I can’t imagine the shrill haranguing he’s going to receive from his Trump-humping mother-in-law. Poor guy.

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