Arizona Senate to issue subpoena for a forensic audit of Dominion Voting Systems

The Arizona Senate wants to get to the bottom of the fraud claims they heard in their hearing today and will issue subpoenas to have the Maricopa County Dominion Voting Systems machines audited:

TUSCON.COM – Arizona’s 11 Democratic electors cast their votes Monday for President-elect Joe Biden, even as the chairman of a state Senate panel said he will issue subpoenas to check the accuracy of hardware and software used here in the Nov. 3 presidential election.

Sen. Eddie Farnsworth, R-Gilbert, said there were enough questions raised, in testimony Monday before his Senate Judiciary Committee, about whether the Dominion Voting Systems used in Maricopa County produced reliable results.

Farnsworth isn’t doing this to overturn the election, but rather to find out the truth and restore voter integrity:

Even Farnsworth suggested the subpoenas are simply a matter of addressing the various claims “and try and see if we can reinsert some confidence in our election process.”

“We hold an audit and we see what the outcome is,” he said. “And then we can put this to rest.” He said the subpoenas could be issued as early as Tuesday, Dec. 15.

It’s a must to find out the truth about these machines because the states can fix these issues going forward. So let the forensic auditing begin!

In related news, I should note that 7 states had alternative Trump electors cast their votes for Trump :

According to what Stephen Miller said this morning, this was done solely to keep the election challenges going so they can continue to fight this. In fact the Pennsylvania alternate electors specifically said as much, noting this was not an attempt to usurp the will of the people. Of course we all know THAT was done by Democrats with election fraud.

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