Rand Paul is a chip off the old Paleocon Block

This is my commentary on Rand Paul’s foreign policy speech at the Heritage Foundation. His speech is titled “Containment and Radical Islam.” I got to 18:10 of Rand Paul’s foreign policy speech . . .

Shocking New Claim: John Brennan Converted To Islam

The man making this claim is former FBI agent John Guandolo. There is no secondary confirmation on this claim. It can’t be confirmed. But here’s what we know so far: Shoebat.com – . . .

Skeeter Obama fires fake shotgun and misses

The WH ministry of propaganda is in full swing. During the gun control debate all of a sudden, out of nowhere, we are told that Chicago Jesus shoots skeet at Camp David. . . .

Justice Catches Up With Tawana Brawley

She changed her name and moved to Virginia. But the infamous hoaxster that made race hustler Al Sharpton famous has been located and is facing a hefty wage garnishment for a civil . . .

Iran Panics after Nuke site lost

Best part of all this is there were about 16 NORKs at the facility when it exploded. Reza Khalili via WND – Iran, whose economy has been battered by the international sanctions . . .