Back Buck Campaign Kicks Into High Gear

Ken Buck is running for the Senate out of Colorado, and received a key endorsement yesterday as RedState’s Erick Erickson came out in support of Buck, calling him a “conservative candidate who can win.”

One of Buck’s core issues is Obamacare, and he’s in a position to know a thing or two about the healthcare system in America. Ken has battled stage 4 cancer.

Colorado seems ready to turn more red, less purple. Colorado led the nation in new gun sales this year, and voters in the state are firmly against new gun control legislation. Erick Erickson notes:

Early polling has shown Ken in the strongest position to not only win the caucus and primary, but also beat Mark Udall in November of 2012. Recent trends in the generic congressional ballot, along with rebukes from Coloradans over gun control efforts and Obamacare implementation, show that Colorado is still a swing state. And the pendulum is swinging in our direction.

Buck’s opponent in November would be Mark Udall. The campaign calls him a “rubber stamp” democrat, lining up behind the President’s agenda regardless of how his constituency views a particular issue.

The last thing the Senate needs is more democrats blindly handing over power to the executive branch.

Today the campaign is doing a fundraising “money bomb” using the hashtag #BackBuck. Here is a particularly on point tweet:

If you’re interested in reading more about this race or supporting Buck’s campaign, you can go to the campaign website here. You can help turn this blue seat red. And Ken Buck can help us all #MakeDCListen!

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