Badass sheriff in Florida tells blue state liberals to go back to where they come from if they can’t assimilate…

A badass sheriff in Florida is making the news for telling blue state liberals that if they don’t like living in a law and order state, they should go back to where they came from.

His main point is that liberals from the Golden State shouldn’t ruin Florida like they did California.

Here’s more via Fox News:

Florida sheriffs have been making headlines of late for their no-nonsense approach amid liberal cities being accused of enacting pro-criminal policies such as eliminating cash bail and reducing incarceration. The Lee County sheriff is no exception.

Sheriff Carmine Marceno, originally in New York, is taking a hard line on criminals thinking they can “play” in his county, warning he will “hunt” them down. The sheriff blasted liberal cities for trying to tip toe around taking a hard line on criminal behavior.

“My message… is clear. If you think you can deal poison and commit crime, stay clear of Lee County and all the great state of Florida. We’re ready, and we will absolutely find you, hunt you down, and charge you to force the extent of the law,” he said in an interview with Fox News Digital.

He also said he was noticing that people on the far-left are fleeing New York and California, and go to Florida for the tone of safety set by the DeSantis administration. But then, they begin voting for the same political perspective that turned their towns into anarchy, the sheriff argued.

“They want to leave California. They want to leave New York. Okay. And then they come down to a state like Florida, where we are law and order, and they don’t change their views,” he said. “You left a place where there’s havoc, where people can rob, steal, loot, do drugs in safe havens. And then you’re upset that it’s so bad there, and you come here and still do the same thing. Same action, same result.”

The sheriff had a clear message for those who keep voting for the far-left policies – go back to the lawlessness you came from.

“I tell people all the time, and it’s probably not popular to some. If you don’t like living with law and order, have a nice day. Leave. Go back to where you came from because we don’t want you here. We welcome everyone to our great state of Florida. But if you think lawlessness leads the way, if you believe that criminals should roam the streets and steal and rob and, God forbid, deal poison to the streets and kill innocent people, you’re not the person we want here. You can go back and live with lawlessness.”

I’m sure this will ruffle some feather but I love this. He’s echoing the plea of every conservative living in the state of Florida and all over the country for that matter.

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