I doubt many of you are Ben & Jerry’s fans but if you are, then you should know that buying their ice cream will now support the movement to defund police and endanger our cities:
NEWSMAX – Vermont ice cream maker Ben & Jerry’s, which has embraced a number of progressive agenda causes, is introducing its latest flavor — to help the “Defund the Police” movement.
The company rolled out the new flavor Monday, calling it “Change is Brewing,” and said it would send a portion of the profits to help a $10 billion bill from progressive Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., that proposes hiring social workers to perform some public safety tasks previously handled by police.
“Introducing Change is Brewing,” the Vermont-based company tweeted. The “flavor helping to transform the nation’s approach to public safety to one that prioritizes community needs, in collaboration w/ @Mvmnt4BlkLives. Join us in supporting the People’s Response Act!”
The flavor is a mix of cold-brew coffee ice cream, marshmallow swirls, and fudge brownies, the company’s website says.
“Grab your spoon & dig into a flavor boldly celebrating safety & liberation for all,” the flavor’s description says. “It’s time to divest from systems that criminalize Black communities & invest in a vision of public safety that allows everyone to breathe free.”
Customers who buy the ice cream online can sign up for email notifications about Bush’s bill, join the Movement for Black Lives, and support the People’s Response Act.
“The flavor supports the vision of the world in which every community is safe, and everyone, including black and brown people, can thrive,” Ben and Jerry’s U.S. Activism Manager Jabari Paul said Monday, the New York Post reported.
The batch of ice cream was developed in partnership with black-owned coffee and tea company Blk & Bold and New York’s Greyston Bakery, the news outlet reported.
What a despicable leftist company. I hope people boycott the heck out of their entire brand so that they disappear from grocery stores all over the country. I know that is probably wishful thinking, but it’s what they deserve for promoting such toxic and dangerous socialist agendas.