Benghazi Committee members DISPUTE the media narrative of no new wrongdoing by Hillary

Three Benghazi Committee members, including Jim Jordan, were on Fox and Friends this morning to dispute the media’s narrative that basically vindicates Hilary by suggested the report found that did nothing wrong.


The secret White House meeting alone being revealed in this report should have been enough to make the press ask Hillary what the heck was going on and why politics was more important than rescuing our people. But no, the MSM wants to ensure this isn’t a big story, so they won’t do their job. Instead they all say Hillary was vindicated.

And why isn’t anyone in the media asking why both the White House and the State Department are still stonewalling on turning over all Benghazi documents?

This is why we hate the MSM so much and call them biased all the time. This is exactly why. If this happened on George W. Bush’s watch, the scandal alone would have been big enough to impeach him and all his secretaries that failed to ensure our men were rescued. But for Obama and Hillary, it’s time to move on.

This makes me sick.

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