Biblical Food for Thought: Sin, Salvation and Eating

As a new and excited Catholic Christian, I’ve decided to share little nuggets that I’ve learned about the scriptures in my ‘new’ faith. I’m not sure how often I’ll do this, but we’ll see how it goes.

Today’s food for thought is about “eating”.

Consider this:

  • Sin entered the world through an act of eating, in the garden of Eden.
  • The Israelites were thus redeemed from Egypt through an act of eating of the passover lamb, and putting its blood on the doorpost of their homes. (Exodus 12)
  • Aaron and his sons became priests who would enter into the presence of God himself through an act of eating of the ram sacrifice. As it says: “They themselves are to eat of these things by which atonement was made at their installation and consecration…” (Exodus 29:33)
  • In John 6 Jesus tells the Israelites that in order to be redeemed and have eternal life, they must eat his flesh and drink his blood, or else they have no life in them.
  • At the Last Supper during Passover, Jesus gave his disciples his body to eat and his blood to drink and instructed them to do this in remembrance of him.

There are certainly more scriptures we could add to the list, but the point is this: Just as sin entered the world through an act of eating, so we are redeemed from sin through an act of eating, just as Christ commanded in both John 6 and at the Last Supper.

This is why the Catholic church offers Holy Communion every day in the Mass.

Now I know some of you aren’t Catholic and that’s fine. I certainly don’t mind discussing this topic in the comments and I’m sure others feel the same. I really don’t want to see any arguing or nastiness however. Just keep it professional. I look forward to your comments.

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