BIG BREAKING: Iran installing cascades of advanced centrifuges

ABC News is reporting that Iran is installing cascades of advanced centrifuges that will more quickly enrich uranium.

Here’s the report:

Iran has started up new cascades of advanced centrifuges and plans to install others in the coming weeks after facing criticism over its nuclear program, the United Nations’ atomic watchdog said Friday. The U.S. called the moves “nuclear escalations.”

Spinning up new centrifuges further advances Iran’s nuclear program, which already enriches uranium at near-weapons-grade levels and boasts a stockpile enough for several nuclear bombs if it chose to pursue them. However, the acknowledgement from the International Atomic Energy Agency did not include any suggestion Iran planned to go to higher enrichment levels amid wider tensions between Tehran and the West as the Israel-Hamas war rages in the Gaza Strip.

The IAEA said its inspectors verified Monday that Iran had begun feeding uranium into three cascades of advanced IR-4 and IR-6 centrifuges at its Natanz enrichment facility. Cascades are a group of centrifuges that spin uranium gas together to more quickly enrich the uranium.

So far, Iran has been enriching uranium in those cascades up to 2% purity. Iran already enriches uranium up to 60%, a short, technical step away from weapons-grade levels of 90%.

Iran also plans to install 18 cascades of IR-2m centrifuges at Natanz and eight cascades of IR-6 centrifuges at its Fordo nuclear site. Each of these classes of centrifuges enrich uranium faster than Iran’s baseline IR-1 centrifuges, which remain the workhorse of the country’s atomic program.

Tehran did not immediately acknowledge the decision. However, it comes after Iran threatened to take action following a vote earlier this month at the IAEA’s Board of Governors that censured Iran for failing to cooperate fully with the agency.

Biden’s State Department has already put out a statement threatening to respond if Iran continues with these new centrifuges:

The decision immediately drew criticism from State Department spokesman Matthew Miller.

“Iran aims to continue expanding its nuclear program in ways that have no credible peaceful purpose,” Miller said in a statement. “These planned actions further undermine Iran’s claims to the contrary. If Iran implements these plans, we will respond accordingly.”

Why would Iran ever be scared of Joe Biden. He’s already bent over backwards to give Iran billions of dollars. But even more so he goes out of his way to avoid pissing Iran off, as though they were great superpower or something. Just earlier this year, he tiptoed around when trying to deter the Iran-backed Houthis from bombing ships in the Red Sea.

There’s no way they will take seriously any threat from Biden’s State Department. Iran will just threaten war against the US, just like both Russia and the Taliban did, and Biden will run away like a coward. That’s his legacy and Iran knows it very well.

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