Bill Maher: Biden’s immigration policies are “going to get [Democrats] ****** on election day”

Bill Maher spoke truth on his show last night about the open ended immigration policies in America and Europe.

Specifically, he pointed out that voters over and over are saying they don’t like open borders, just like what happened in Italy recently.

Here in America he pointed out two different statistics:

-64% of latinos support giving the President authority to shut down the US borders.
-62% of registered voters would deport all migrants living in the US illegally.

This was a great line he quoted from David Frum: “If liberals insist that enforcing borders is a job only fascists will do, then voters will hire fascists to do what liberals won’t.”

Maher then added:

“Alex Padilla said last week – he’s our Senator here – ‘by reviving Trump’s asylum ban, Biden has undermined American values.’ And then they all (Democrats) stand back and say ‘we don’t want to be called a racist so we will not make a move on immigration.’ It’s going to get them f***** on election day.”

Some liberal named Joel Stein tried to debate Maher on the topic, but got destroyed.

Watch the video below:

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