Bo Snerdley RESPONDS to CNN’s Jim Acosta accusing Rush Limbaugh of making derogatory comments about blacks after SOTU

The despicable CNN reporter, Jim Acosta, disparaged Rush Limbaugh last night after Trump’s State of the Union speech where Limbaugh was awarded the Medal of Freedom, accusing Rush of having a history of making derogatory comments about blacks.

Watch (it’s cued up to 1:10):

Here’s the quote if you can’t stomach watching it:

“And while yes, he was trying to make appeals to the African American community, it can’t be forgotten he was awarding the Medal of Freedom to Rush Limbaugh, who has a history of making derogatory comments about African Americans. And so I think, you know, overall it’s a wash….”

Bo Snerdley, who has worked with Rush for 30 years, responded to this outrageous comment by Acosta last night with a challenge of his own:

Liberals came out of the woodwork with stuff they claimed was ‘derogatory’, but Snerdley kept slapping them down with truth:

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