BOOM! Black Republican for Congress releases new ad on why we need AR-15s for self-defense and IT IS AMAZING

A black Republican in Arizona running for Congress just released a WHOPPER of an ad explaining why we need AR-15s and all 30 rounds for self-defense.

Here’s the Youtube version, although I fully expect they’ll come up with some socialist reason to take it down…

I absolutely love it. It’s almost like Jerome Davison is daring Democrats to try and refute his argument, because he knows they can’t. His logic is beautiful.

And the argument extends to what we saw in 2020, with radical mobs confronting home owners on their own property, Antifa and BLM groups burning down and looting businesses.

If there ever was a legitimate reason for an AR-15, it is NOW. I don’t know how Jerome Davison is polling in Arizona, but I suspect this will give him the boost he’s looking for…

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