BOOM: Nikki Haley SLAMS Cuban regime, then profoundly apologizes for Obama’s casual cruelty…

At the UN yesterday Nikki Haley slammed the Cuban regime and their resolution aimed at ending the US embargo on Cuba. She called it political theater and reminded everyone that only the US can stop it’s own embargo that is enshrined in US law.

But she didn’t stop there. Toward the end of the clip she even apologized for a statement from the Obama administration last year as they abstained on the vote, a statement which she characterized as “casual cruelty”.


Here’s the money excerpt from Free Beacon:

“When the United States abstained on this resolution last year, its decision was explained by saying, ‘We recognize that the future of the island lies in the hands of the Cuban people.’ There is a casual cruelty to that remark for which I am profoundly sorry,” Haley said.

“Regrettably, as of today, the future of Cuba is not in your hands,” she added. “It remains in the hands of your dictators.”

You really should watch this entire video. Seriously. Haley demonstrates the strength, decorum, and resoluteness that we expect to see in our leaders at the UN, all the while delivering a jaw-breaking smackdown of our enemies – in this case the Cuban regime.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I heart Nikki Haley so much. She is by far my favorite person in this administration and I am so glad she’s at the UN. Maybe one day, if we’re lucky, we’ll be saying ‘President Nikki Haley’.

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