BOOM! Sarah Palin THREATENS to RUN AGAINST Lisa Murkowski!!

Oh boy, just when we thought we were done with Sarah Palin, they pull her back in!! She just hinted that she might run against Lisa Murkowski over her no vote on Kavanaugh:

Pretty funny. She referenced the SNL sketch that many think helped take down the 2012 election for Barry Soetero.

Murkowski, on the other hand, appeared to cave to the pressure from the “Me Too” movement, instead of actually, oh I dunno, looking at the FACTS in the case.

“I have been wrestling with whether or not this was about the qualifications of a good man, or is this bigger than the nominee, and I believe we are dealing with issues right now that are bigger than a nominee,” Murkowski said.

The Hill noted that Palin tried to persuade her earlier:

So will she run?

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