BOOM!! Trump tells Philadelphia Eagles they are NOT INVITED at the White House!!

Great President Trump told the Philadelphia Eagles that they can take their ball and go home if they’re not willing to stand up and put their hand on their hearts while the national anthem is playing!!!


Here’s his statement:


You know that if Hillary had been elected that she would be issuing executive orders for everyone to burn the flag during all NFL games. Damn hippies!! Also, #MAGA!!!

Very important UPDATE:

Everyone is missing the obvious real reason for the Trump feud with Eagles.


Another very important UPDATE:

Trump just tweeted about his statement:

Now, there’s a little problem with his reasoning:

Not a single Eagles player sat or knelt during the national anthem, one of just seven teams with perfect non-kneeling records, in a season that saw 684 such incidents, according to a study released Thursday by Sports Pundit.

But that’s not anything that a little #MAGA can’t cover up…

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