Boortz: Social Conservatives Will Prevent Republican Majority

“I don’t think the Republicans are going to take the Senate next year. They’ll keep the House, but they’re not going to get the Senate and I’ll tell you why – because they simply cannot resist the urge, the impulse to get into this social conservatism.” – Neal Boortz

Filling in for Sean Hannity earlier this week, Neal Boortz suggested that Republicans will be unable to take the House in 2014, and that the reason will be social conservatives and cultural issues.


This whole thing about Phil Robertson and what have you – it speaks a lot to what we have coming up in the election next year. We desperately need to get the Democrats out of control of the United States Senate. The survival of our republic may depend on getting the Democrats out of control of the Senate, sending Harry Reid into the position of minority leader in the U.S. Senate – the survival of the republic may depend on that. And the Democrats are afraid that is indeed what is going to happen. That is why Harry Reid pulled the nuclear option a couple of weeks ago – because they were afraid we may lose the Senate.

This is a common refrain in Washington and among the “old guard” of the GOP: The notion that we can totally win if only we would stop caring about silly little backwoods issues like abortion, prayer, marriage, values and, well, the list goes on. It is not actually difficult to understand why this idea appeals to this group. After all, who can but think that we should do whatever it takes to ensure a Republican majority in the hopes of stopping the runaway spending train and reckless mismanagement of America under the current regime? Not to mention the steady decrease in American power and prestige on the world stage. We’re less safe, less wealthy, less secure, and soon to be less healthy. To stop the agenda set in motion by the pseudo-socialist politics of the democrat party has to be paramount, surely.

But expecting social conservatives to accept that their core issues should “sit this one out” is an absurd expectation. What are we saving if we surrender our values in order to save it? For social conservatives, the threats they see are every bit as immediate, every bit as damaging, and every bit as dangerous as the fiscal issues. Why then relent? Shunning social conservatives hasn’t worked yet. What makes them think it will in the future? Especially when we have overwhelming evidence that America is just about fed up with the moral decline in America. Just ask A&E.

So yes, social conservative issues will continue to play a major role in politics and elections for the foreseeable future. Maybe our Washington problem-solvers should try and figure out a strategy for working with that, rather than coming back every two years and telling social conservatives to be neither seen nor heard while still expecting them to turn out and support the party.



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