Both Rand Paul and Lindsey Graham RIP Trump for giving Saudis a pass over Khashoggi

After Trump made his announcement yesterday that he would give the Saudis a pass over the brutal murder of Khashoggi, casting doubt on whether the Crown Prince may have even ordered it, both Rand Paul and Lindsey Graham came out on Twitter against the decision:

The “Saudi Arabia First” line is sure to get under Trump’s skin. The last thing he wants to do is be accused of not putting America first. But notice that Rand Paul blames John Bolton instead of Trump for the statement. Is he saying Trump is a puppet of Bolton?

That said, I don’t disagree with Rand in regard to not rewarding them with ‘sophisticated armaments’.

Lindsey Graham also had some tough words for Trump:

Graham has become a favorite of Trump supporters, so going against Trump on this probably won’t earn him any points.

Meanwhile, Trump is thanking Saudi Arabia for good oil prices this morning…

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