BREAKING: 4 Democrats have been criminally charged for absentee ballot fraud

Four Democrats in Connecticut have been criminally charged for absentee ballot fraud in the state’s 2019 Democratic primary election with four class D felonies.

Here’s more from Fox 61:

The fact that it took five years is outrageous, especially when there is video evidence showing the illegal activity.

The kicker is that Wanda Geter was also caught on video stuffing a ballot box in 2023 and that is now being criminally investigated. Will that also take five years to prosecute?

In a separate news report, Fox 61 reveals one woman saying Geter came to her house and told her only to sign the absentee ballot at the bottom. When the woman suggested she should vote on person, Geter told her not to do that:

I thought voter fraud didn’t exist? And this was in a Democratic primary. Don’t tell me it didn’t happen in the more important presidential election in 2020.

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