BREAKING!! ANOTHER State Dept. head honcho is LEAVING over Syria pull out!!!

General Mattis’ decision to leave over differences in policy with Trump has lead to Brett McGurk accelerating his exit.

The link above doesn’t work yet, but it makes sense McGurk would leave – here’s what he said about ISIS and Syria just a while ago:


And here’s some more about what led to Trump pulling out of Syria:

That development materialized last Friday during a call with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, after Erdogan asked Trump why there were still 2,000 US troops in Syria if the Islamic State had been defeated.

“You know what? It’s yours,” Trump said, according to The Washington Post. “I’m leaving.”

The Associated Press reported that members of Trump’s national-security team, including Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Mattis, wrote out talking points to dissuade Turkey from bringing troops into northern Syria and attacking Turkish Kurds, which would put US forces at risk. The US is allied with the Turkish Kurds in Syria, providing them with supplies and training in the fight against the Islamic State.

But both The Post and the AP explain that Trump went rogue.

“The talking points were very firm,” one official told the Associated Press. “Everybody said push back and try to offer (Turkey) something that’s a small win, possibly holding territory on the border, something like that.”

John Bolton, Trump’s national security adviser, also allegedly explained on the call that a victory against the Islamic State would need to mean more than just a loss of territory.

Trump, however, sided with Erdogan, and the AP reported that even Erdogan cautioned Trump on pulling troops out too hastily.

Making the MidEast Caliphate Again?

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