[UPDATE: Trump tweets, “All is well”] – Iran retaliates with missile attack on US forces in Iraq!

Fears of a U.S.-Iran war are being revived as reports roll in of a missile attack on U.S. bases in Iraq as a retaliation.

[tweet https://twitter.com/JenGriffinFNC/status/1214687328515624962]

[tweet https://twitter.com/JenGriffinFNC/status/1214690917661249536]

[tweet https://twitter.com/hollywoodcurry/status/1214687383117017088]

[tweet https://twitter.com/mkcheok/status/1214690248568885248]

We have to think that Trump won’t back down and there will be a counter-response….


The Iranian Revolutionary Guard has claimed responsibility.

Here’s a statement from the Department of Defense.

[tweet https://twitter.com/adegrandpre/status/1214700872841809920]


Seeing that they are claiming a second round of missile strikes.

[tweet https://twitter.com/aliarouzi/status/1214708767356530688]


Kinda doubt this one.

[tweet https://twitter.com/ww3updates/status/1214710183697321984]

[tweet https://twitter.com/A7_Mirza/status/1214707565965316097]

UPDATE (TRS): Here’s a rundown of what has happened thus far from Joyce Karam:

And here’s a statement from the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense:

UPDATE: No casualties…

And Trump will not give address to the nation…

UPDATE: 15 missiles launched, 4 blew up in flight. US was tracking missiles and able to give military personnel warning to take cover:

UPDATE: Iran is blustering about mass escalation if the US responds…

UPDATE: Trump just tweeted…

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