Breaking! Joe Biden wins South Carolina primary

Just as predicted, Joe Biden has won the South Carolina primary:


The big question is whether this is enough to get him back on track or if it’s too late. I think it’s too late and Sooper Tuesday will take him out permanently. I’ll update with more info if needed.


Bloomberg so far had a terrible showing in South Carolina – this didn’t help:

People generally don’t like being bombarded with television ads.

AND it looks like Biden is going to run away with this one.

Pretty glum over at socialist headquarters:

I may have to eat my prediction that he’s out. With a yuge win, it makes it much more likely that he stays in. Second place doesn’t look like much of a battle, it looks like Bernie will take it. I’m surprised Steyer is taking third? That’s kinda humiliating for Warren and Buttigieg. They might try to stick it out until Super Tuesday, but this is bad for them…


Yeah he won. But look at this:

This election is going to be bloody….

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