BREAKING: Kamala Harris finally accepts rules of ABC News debate, but blames Trump for being a flight risk or something

Kamala Harris would have you believe that she’s being the bigger person in accepting the rules of this ABC News debate that includes having microphones muted when the other person is talking.

She claims that because Trump is a flight risk for the debate, they are compelled to accept the rules to ensure the debate actually happens.

Here’s what she wrote:

This is total bull**** and they know it. They wanted the mics unmuted so Trump could interrupt and she could do what she did to Mike Pence by saying “I’m speaking”. Because that’s all she has is punch lines; she has no real substance with which to win the debate.

Harris lackey MJ Lee adds this:

Assurances? From what Lee says it sounds like Kamala might have gotten her way to some degree if they are going to turn the mics on for ‘significant cross talk’ and ‘explain’ to viewers what is being said. How does this ‘significant cross talk’ happen and what exactly does it mean when they will ‘explain’ what is being said? If Trump says something while muted, the moderators are going to tell everyone what he said?

The Trump campaign should demand to know exactly what these assurances are because it sounds like the rules just changed a bit.

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