BREAKING: McConnell & Blunt will vote to PROCEED on infrastructure, Sinema says NO to $3.5 Trillion, AOC has HISSY

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema said she’s a flat NO on the $3.5 Trillion that Biden wants to enact his far left agenda under the guise of infrastructure. AOC had a crying fit about it on Twitter. But a deal was reached today and this evening, Sen. Mitch McConnell, along with Sen. Roy Blunt, said he’d vote yes on the motion to proceed to debate on the bill.

It’s conditional on the idea that Democrats keep their word about the Portman Sinema amendment.

Sinema earlier today put a thumb in the Dems eyes, alongside her usual ally Joe Manchin, earning her some pretty strong praise.

And some pretty hilarious tears.

President Trump is advising Republicans not to fall for any tricks.

Sen. Toomey said “no comment” when asked how he’ll vote on the motion. Cornyn says nope.

And that’s the latest.

This post may be updated.

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