BREAKING: Obama announces he will tell the world how many NUKES America has…

Obama just announced this morning that he will announce to the world just how many nuclear weapons America has:

Why would anyone do this? Oh right, fundamental transformation. Ugh.

Not only that, but Obama says his Iranian nuclear deal is the model for future nuclear diplomacy:

ABC NEWS – President Barack Obama hailed the nuclear deal with Iran on Friday as a “substantial success” and a model for future diplomacy, as world leaders took stock of the world’s most worrisome nuclear threats.

Hosting his last nuclear security summit, Obama sought to use the controversial Iran deal as an argument for his carrot-and-stick approach to deterring nuclear proliferation, and he credited Iran with taking steps to meet its commitments. Critics of the deal in the U.S. and abroad are livid about the sanctions relief Iran is receiving in response.

“It will take time for Iran to reintegrate in the global economy, but Iran is already beginning to see the benefits of this deal,” Obama said as he met with the leaders of China, France and other U.N. Security Council members that negotiated the Iran deal alongside the U.S.

Obama acknowledged that the nuclear deal hasn’t swept away other issues the U.S. and other nations still have with Iran; support for terrorism and Tehran’s ballistic missile program typically top that list. Still, he said all the nations that negotiated the deal could agree that it’s been an effective way to address the narrower issue of nuclear proliferation in Iran.

“This is a success of diplomacy that hopefully we will be able to copy in the future,” Obama said.

Obama is delusional. There is just no other word for it. Absolutely delusional.

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