BREAKING: Rush Limbaugh NOT Banned, ‘User Deactivated’ (QUIT) amid Twitter PURGE

Twitter has responded to Fox’s Joey Wulfsohn about the rumors that Rush Limbaugh’s account had been deleted by Twitter. As it turns out, Twitter did not delete Limbaugh. RUSH deleted THEM.

From Wulfsohn.

Twitter SPOX: “I would like to correct that He is not suspended. The user deactivated their account.”

Facebook did THROTTLE Limbaugh though, which he referred to as a badge of honor earlier today.

One quick item before we go to the break: Facebook, yesterday, throttled us. They throttled the EIB Network and the Rush Limbaugh program. By “throttled us,” that means they slowed us down. We haven’t been banned. But Facebook reduced our distribution because of the story I did yesterday on Antifa. There was a two-pronged portion of the story. There was a story in the Washington Examiner.

It said that facial recognition software had identified a number of the protesters in the Capitol as members of Antifa. And then some hours later, runs a story saying that, no, it’s not true; the Washington Examiner got it wrong. And I reported both. I reported the original story by Rowan Scarborough that there was facial recognition confirming Antifa was part of the protest mob, and then when The Hill came out with their story, I reported that.

Facebook acknowledges that I did. Even though the story contained that I mentioned the facial recognition story was retracted, they nevertheless throttled us. Right here it says, “Page restrictions: Your page has reduced distribution and other restrictions because of repeated sharing of false news. People will also be able to see if a page has a history of sharing false news.” You have to look at it as a badge of honor, ladies and gentlemen.

It is a badge of honor, but it doesn’t make it not terrible news for our country that this is happening.

And yes, the Twitter purge of regular users is real too. Thousands of people have been banned. They’re going to Parler. Which I hope means Parler will step up the pace on some tech improvements.

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