BREAKING! Special Counsel Mueller will investigate Trump Jr’s meeting!

This isn’t a yuge surprise, but it’s still news. Special Counsel Mueller will be investigating Trump Junior’s meeting with a Russian lawyer in search of damning emails from Hillary.

Watch below:

From CNN:

Justice Department Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigators plan to examine the meeting and email exchanges disclosed by Donald Trump Jr. as part of the broader Russian-meddling investigation, according to a US official briefed on the matter.


The details of the interactions between Trump Jr., Goldstone and Veselnitskaya weren’t fully known to federal investigators until recently, according to three US officials familiar with the probe. The FBI, as part of its counter intelligence probe and the investigation into Russian meddling, has scrutinized some of Donald Trump Jr.’s business dealings and meetings even before the latest meeting was disclosed, one of the US officials said.

Now, Mueller’s probe will look at the meeting and email exchanges that Trump Jr. disclosed as part of its investigation, according to the US official briefed on the matter.

That may go completely no where, if the account we’re hearing about the meeting is true. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t something else this investigation may find. As of yet, we have to admit there’s not much real evidence…

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