BREAKING: Texas has stopped Biden’s unlawful rule to criminalize private sale of guns in the state

Joe Biden is trying to criminalize the private sale of guns by law abiding citizens by a new ATF rule changing the definition of a firearm dealer.

It used to be that a federally licensed firearm dealer was someone engaging in the sale of firearms for their own “livelihood and profit”. But in 2022 Joe Biden signed legislation that removed the word ‘livelihood’, which made way for a new ATF rule redefining a ‘firearm dealer’ as someone seeking to make a profit on a firearm sale. This new rule would then be used to criminalize regular private citizens who sold guns privately and didn’t do background checks.

This is all about getting rid of the phony ‘gun show loophole’ that the left has been attacking for decades.

Tonight Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced that he’s gotten an injunction against this outrageous new ATF rule and that it won’t be enforced in the state of Texas.

I hope the courts end this rule nationwide because, as Paxton says, it is absolutely unconstitutional. All private citizens have the right to sell their guns in private sales without the government intervening with ridiculous gun control regulations.

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