BREAKING: Thousands of US troops now deploying to the Middle East

It’s just being reported that thousands of troops are now deploying to the Middle East in the aftermath of the assassination last night of Qassem Soleimani:

Here’s more from CNN:

The US will deploy thousands of additional troops to the Middle East as tensions with Iran mount following the airstrike that killed Qasem Soleimani, a US defense official told CNN.

The additional troops will come from the Immediate Response Force of the 82nd Airborne Division. CNN has previously reported that these forces had been placed on prepare-to-deploy orders and would be sent to the region if the situation merited it.

Following the disturbance at the US embassy in Baghdad, the US deployed 750 troops from the same unit and said that additional deployments were possible.

The new deployment will encompass the rest of the brigade, typically about 3,000 soldiers.

I’m sure Democrats will use this to say we are going to war, but that’s not true at all. This deployment has more to do with protecting our people and assets stationed all around the Middle East and being ready to respond if Iran decides to attack them.

As we told you earlier today, the State Department has told all Americans to get out of Iraq immediately:

As an aside, CNN admits that they have previously reported that these troops were put on “prepare-to-deploy orders”. But if that’s true then how can the media, at CNN and elsewhere, still argue that Trump didn’t think this through, that he acted carelessly with this assassination attempt and didn’t consider the consequences? It doesn’t make sense and neither do they.

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