Brett Baier CORNERS DNC chair who tries to DODGE this key question about Mueller report! [fixed]

DNC Chair Tom Perez really tries hard to slam Trump over the Mueller report but Bret Baier just NAILS him on the key question about collusion.

Watch below at about the 4 minute mark [we had the wrong video earlier, it has been fixed]:

Look I think this is really important – when it comes down to brass tacks, whether there’s any “there there,” the leader of the Democratic party has to say that the real answer is not something Mueller was investigation. C’mon man, you and your cronies in the media have been putting ALL your chips on this report, and now that it has come out, you’re trying to move the goalposts. THAT, more than anything, shows how much of a victory this is for el Trumpo.

It appears that moving the goalposts is something of a planned narrative for liberals, according to this.

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