Ben Carson’s campaign has responded to Trump’s despicable attacks on him, suggesting that Trump is imploding before our eyes and it’s really just sad to watch. Carson’s business manager said that Dr. Carson really believes people should just pray for Trump:
REUTERS – U.S. presidential candidate Ben Carson recommended praying for rival Donald Trump after the real-estate mogul and television personality, in a 95-minute rant in Iowa, likened him to a child molester, Carson’s business manager said on Friday.
“When I spoke with Dr. Carson about this yesterday how we should respond, you know he was so sad about it. He said: “Pray for him.” He feels sorry for him because he really likes Mr. Trump,” Armstrong Williams, who often acts as Carson’s surrogate in the media, told CNN.
“To see him just imploding before our very eyes – it’s just sad to watch,” Williams said.
Perfect response from Carson, taking the high road, because the last thing Carson would want to have happen is this thing turning into a food fight between the two men.
Right now Trump is the only one who looks like a chump. If Carson had responded in kind, then he risks looking that way as well and hurting himself.
So kudos to him for not taking the bait.